Sunday, January 29, 2012


Hey Lauren here! I thought you should know some of the prices these fishermen get payed for these dolphins. A dolphins head can be worth 40-50,000$. And a single dolphin can be sold for 150,000$,
                       And it is actually legal to slaughter the whales and dolphins in Taigii.

Pest control

Hey Lauren here.
                            Part of the reason that the fishermen are trying to get rid of the dolphins is because of (pest control) also known as getting rid of their compitition. Now if your confused then let me explain, the dolphins, whales, and fishermen all want the fish in the ocean. And the fishermen deal with their problems by umm........... well you know the rest.


Lauren again, This is just my personal opinion but I can't belive that the fishermen have the nerve to slaughter the dolphins on a Sunday. That should be GOD'S day. And I just don't think it's right that they could do such a horrible thing on a day that should be holy.


Hey guys it's Lauren again! I just wanted to say that today I found out that most of the Taigii citizens don't know about the slaughtering of the dolphins!!! And the Taigii fishermen know the world will be outraged about the killing so they just hide behind their government and stupid phrases! 
                    So if the fishermen  are so scared of what they do, then why do they say things that don't match up with what they do.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Lauren again. I just laugh at how aggressive the fishermen are with filmers and picture takers trying to capture the scene. And people will go to jail if they try to physically  save a whale or dolphin.


Hey guys!!! its Maven and I want to talk about the killing cove. The killing cove is usually tucked away behind hills so that no one could see them doing there disgusting habit. The fisherman heard huge pods of dolphins into the killing cove then drop nets. The dolphins can`t escape !!!  :( Another reason the killing cove is so far away is because the blood from the dolphins stains the water bright red. The dolphins air holes are then forced under water when they are tied up to moving boats by their tales. Then to travel by land , the dolphins (some still alive) are tied by their tales to the ends of trucks and sent to the factory to be butchered. The very few dolphins still alive sometimes drown in their own blood.

If we don`t put a stop to this soon, I may  buy a ticket to Japan and and talk some since into those mean Japanese!!!!!!!!!!!    ;)


Lauren Here!!! Now if you really want to get active reasearch Hayden Panettiere, the celeb who was out there with the dolphins! So get up reasearch Hayden and post your comment right here and I will try to get back to you!


Agessive Fishermen

Lauren again! I just laugh at how aggressive the fishermen are with picture takers and filmer's trying capture the bloody scene. It can get really intense, people are going to jail for physically trying to save the dolphins and whales! Like there was this one celebrity named Hayden Panettiere who went out with some protesters to see the scene first hand and they started really going after the protesters with full speed!
                            Please post a comment

The fishermen better get their butts in check!!!

Lauren here again. I'm just so confused why the fishermen aren't so ashamed of what the do, as they are feeding the same meat from the dolphins they just killed to their children and community! Did you know that as they are taking the dolphins away  they cover them up with tarp to hide their shame. And sometimes they have guards up at the killing cove standing by to make sure that no one can  see the pool of blood they left behind!!!
                                                  Well the only thing we can do is put a stop to it!!

How they fishermen kill the dolphins!

Hey it`s Maven here and I`m going to talk about how the fisherman actually KILL the dolphins. Now the government says that the fisherman are to kill the dolphins by drilling a hole in the back of there neck with a pin supposedly killing them instantly, although most fisherman just stab them to death. The people who want to do it the old fashioned way slit their throats. Isn't that disgusting?

The fisherman

HEY, Lauren here! I'm here to talk about the fishermen in Taigii. They say that it's a form of pest control! They say that they are killing them because of religion and  food tradition, but they are just selling the dolphins  for profit. Now I'm not saying that all the fishermen in Taigii are killing the dolphins, but a large portion is!

Important info

In Taigii Japan dolphins are being slaughtered for their meat and for pest control. The hunting season is October through April but the longest hunting season ever lasted for six months. The fisherman hide what they do from their village with tarps and security officers. The fisherman were once interviewed and they said they were proud of what they do. If they would have said they had fun killing dolphins it would  have been believable, they were once heard laughing while slaughtering dolphins.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

dolphin love

                                                                   Dolphin love :) <3

Introducing DPP!

Hey it`s Lauren and Maven here, and we started DPP. We heard about fishermen in Japan slaughtering  innocent dolphins. We are going to put a stop to this ASAP. But we cannot save them without the help of (YOU). And we promise you will be seeing more posts from us.

   Thanks for reading!
            Lauren and Maven